Super Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Yeah I know, you have probably had a strawberry banana smoothie before and don’t need a recipe but I have telling you this one is super addictive and you will get hooked!



1 cup homemade cashew milk

1/4 - ½ frozen banana

1/4 - ½ cup of frozen strawberries

1 to 2 cups of fresh spinach

1 tablespoon cashew butter

1 tsp maca powder

¼ avocado

½ to 1 tsp. cinnamon

 1 tablespoon hemp seeds.


Place everything except the hemp seeds in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Pour into glass sprinkle hemp seeds on top and enjoy! If you want to get crazy you can try switching out the cashew butter for coconut butter and sprinkle unsweetened coconut shavings on top; also way good.